Burning Man is a festival in Nevada but also a city that born and disappears in a few days, where everything is possible. But not without rules.
Precisely in Black Rock City, 150 kilometers north-north-east of Reno, where thousands of people gather each year for Burning Man, a festival of chance and ephemeral.
Officially it was born in 1991, but someone claims that the first puppet burnt on the beach (hence the name of the festival) dates back to 1986. So this would be the thirtieth anniversary of Burning Man, an event that now attracts thousands of people attracted by the opportunity to express themselves freely in the middle of the desert, far from society, but at the same time within a community different from the usual, but regulated by some precepts.
Perhaps the most original and unusual aspect is its being a town that is born and dies in a few days, and with it the relative dynamics that are created to share and interact with those who participate. There are those who arrive in the desert of Nevada out of curiosity, who to give a limelight to their artistic forms, others for deep ethical beliefs. Whatever the reason, what comes to life is a real community that maintains and manages according to some ancestral practices, for example barter and exchange: Burning Man does not use money but favors the search for alternative forms to satisfy their needs.
We must respect all the rules of the community of this city. From the most practical issues - what you can take with you to the desert and what is forbidden - up to the most important ethical aspects that are listed as the 10 principles of Burning Man. "We try to overcome the barriers between us and the awareness of our unconscious, the reality of the things that surround us, participation in society and contact with a world that overcomes human perception. No idea can replace this experience ".
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